여수시, 청년월세 지원대상 확대..월세 70만원이하 요건 폐지12일부터 적용, 임차보증금 5천만원 요건도 폐지
12일 여수시에 따르면 '임차보증금 5천만 원과 월세 70만원 이하 주택에 거주' 요건은 폐지되고 기존 소득·자산 요건은 유지된다고 밝혔다.
특히 '청년월세 2차 특별지원'은 청년층의 주거비 부담을 덜어주고 지역 내 청년에게 월 20만 원씩 1년간 최대 240만 원의 월세를 지원하는 사업이다.
이에 따라 지원 대상은 19세~34세 이하로, 부모와 별도 거주하는 무주택 청년이면 누구나 신청할 수 있다.
소득·자산 요건은 ▲청년 단독가구 소득은 기준 중위소득 60% 이하(1인 가구 기준 월 134만 원 이하), 재산은 1억2200만 원 이하 ▲청년을 포함한 원 가구소득은 기준 중위소득 100% 이하, 재산은 4억7000만 원 이하여야 한다.
지원 희망자는 복지로 사이트 또는 주민등록상 거주지 관할 읍면동 주민센터에 방문·신청이 가능하며 신청기간은 2025년 2월 25일까지다.
앞서 여수시는 1차·2차 사업을 통해 지난 3월 기준 3,486명에게 7억9571만 원의 청년월세를 지급했으며, 앞으로도 횟차가 남은 청년에게 매월 월세를 지급할 예정이다.
정기명 여수시장은 "거주요건 폐지는 더 많은 청년들에게 혜택을 주고자 함이니 기간 내 많은 청년이 신청하길 바란다"며 "학업과 취업에 매진해 많은 성과가 있었으면 좋겠다"고 말했다.
[아래는 구글로 번역한 영문기사 전문입니다. 영문번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다. Below is the full English article translated by Google. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.] Yeosu City expands the scope of monthly rent support for young people... Abolishes the requirement for monthly rent of 700,000 won or less
Effective from the 12th, the 50 million won rental deposit requirement is also abolished.
Reporter Lee Hak-cheo
The scope of support is expected to expand as the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport abolishes the residence requirement in relation to the second project of temporary special support for monthly rent for young people.
According to Yeosu City on the 12th, the requirement of ‘living in a house with a rental deposit of 50 million won and monthly rent of 700,000 won or less’ will be ‘abolished’ and the existing income and asset requirements will be maintained.
In particular, the ‘Second Special Support for Monthly Rent for Youth’ is a project that relieves the burden of housing costs on young people and provides monthly rent support of 200,000 won per month to young people in the region, up to 2.4 million won for one year.
Accordingly, the support target is those between the ages of 19 and 34, and any youth who does not own a home and lives separately from their parents can apply.
Income and asset requirements are: ▲Income of a single-person household of young people is 60% or less of the standard median income (1.34 million won or less per month for a single-person household), and assets are 122 million won or less ▲Income of a single household including young people is 100% of the standard median income. Hereinafter, assets must be less than 470 million won.
Those wishing to apply can visit and apply through the Welfare Service website or the community center in the town, township, or ward that has jurisdiction over their place of residence according to their resident registration. The application period is until February 25, 2025.
Previously, Yeosu City paid youth monthly rent of 795.71 million won to 3,486 people as of March through the first and second projects, and plans to continue to pay monthly rent to young people who have remaining rent.
Yeosu Mayor Jeong Ki-myeong said, “The abolition of the residency requirement is intended to benefit more young people, so I hope that many young people will apply within the period, and I hope that they will achieve many results by focusing on their studies and employment.” <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스전남동부 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>