전남대학교 '글로컬미래전략대학원' 개설한다글로컬 위기 극복‧미래공동체 구현, 국내‧외 연구기관과 거버넌스 구성..9월 개원… 매년 50명 전문가 배출
전남대학교가 기후와 환경 등 글로컬 위기 상황을 극복하고, 상생과 협력의 미래공동체를 구현하는데 기여할 수 있는 세계적 수준의 미래전략전문가 양성에 나선다.
23일 전남대는 빠르면 ‘글로컬미래전략대학원’(이하 글로컬대학원)을 오는 9월 개설하고 ▲에코‧스마트‧바이오 가치를 구현하는 창의적 인재 ▲전 지구적 의제 대응 혁신을 선도하는 진취적 인재 ▲글로컬 미래공동체를 진단하고 실천하는 열정적 인재를 매년 50명씩 배출해 나가기로 했다.
글로컬 대학원은 이같은 미래전략전문가 양성을 위해 기후·환경·에너지정책, 사회정의와 인권정책, 국제개발협력, 지역과학기술혁신정책, 스마트방재안전공학 등 전공으로 다섯 분야로 나누고, 에너지, 환경, 재난 등의 사회적 위기와 과학혁신 분야에 대한 연구‧응용에 나서면서 학제간 주제와 연구방법을 이해하고 전문성을 갖추는데 주력하게 된다.
또 미래 전략과 사회 혁신의 과제도출, 그리고 프로그램 개발 및 정책 제안 등에 나서게 된다.
전남대 글로컬대학원은 이같은 비전을 실현하기 위해 학내 교내 인문학연구원과 5·18연구소는 물론 KAIST (문술)미래전략대학원, 전력거래소교육원, 광주기후에너지진흥원, 리츠메이칸아시아태평양대학, 폴란드 포즈난 경제경영대학, 중국 온주의과대, 몽골국립대, 베트남 바이오 클러스터 등 국내·외 유관기관과 협력해 나갈 방침이다.
아울러 국내외 관련 전문가들을 글로컬미래전략대학원 겸임교수로 초빙할 계획이다.
김병인 개원추진위원회 위원장(교학부총장)은 "현대 인류에게 ‘기후환경자원’, ‘생명과학기술’, ‘평화연대협력’은 보편적 가치이자 당면한 과제"라며 "인문학, 사회과학, 자연과학, 공학의 융.복합적 통섭을 통해 이같은 가치를 실현할 수 있는 전문가를 배출할 수 있도록 기틀을 잘 마련하겠다"고 말했다.
[아래는 구글로 번역한 영문기사 전문입니다. 영문번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다. Below is the full English article translated by Google. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.] Chonnam National University opens ‘Glocal Future Strategy Graduate School’
Overcoming the glocal crisis, realizing a future community, forming governance with domestic and foreign research institutes...Opening in September... Produces 50 experts every year
Reporter Kim Doo-hwan
Chonnam National University will begin training world-class future strategy experts who can overcome global crises such as climate and environment and contribute to realizing a future community of coexistence and cooperation.
On the 23rd, Chonnam National University will open the 'Glocal Future Strategy Graduate School' (hereinafter referred to as Glocal Graduate School) as early as September, and will provide ▲creative talents who embody eco, smart, and bio values ▲enterprising talents who lead innovation in response to global agendas ▲Written We decided to produce 50 passionate talents every year who will diagnose and implement local future communities.
In order to foster future strategy experts, Glocal Graduate School is divided into five majors: climate, environment, and energy policy, social justice and human rights policy, international development cooperation, regional science and technology innovation policy, and smart disaster prevention and safety engineering. As we undertake research and application in the field of social crises such as disasters and scientific innovation, we focus on understanding interdisciplinary topics and research methods and developing expertise.
In addition, they will work on deriving future strategies and social innovation tasks, developing programs, and proposing policies.
In order to realize this vision, Chonnam National University's Glocal Graduate School supports not only the on-campus Humanities Research Institute and the May 18 Research Institute, but also KAIST (Munsul) Graduate School of Future Strategy, Korea Power Exchange Education Institute, Gwangju Climate Energy Promotion Institute, Ritsumeikan Asia-Pacific University, and Poland's Poznań Economic Research Institute. We plan to cooperate with related institutions at home and abroad, such as the Business School, Wenzhou University of Science and Technology in China, the National University of Mongolia, and the Vietnam Bio Cluster.
In addition, the university headquarters has established governance with the ESG Committee, Future Committee, CNU Academy Academic Research Committee, Future Strategy Office, R&D Strategy Office, and Global External Cooperation Office, which have been serving as think tanks for the sustainable development of the region and the university, and has a research track responsible professor. We are seeking ways to connect with national agencies, local governments, offices of education, public and private companies, NGOs, etc.
In addition, we plan to invite domestic and foreign experts as adjunct professors at the Glocal Future Strategy Graduate School.
Kim Byeong-in, Chairman of the Opening Promotion Committee (Vice President for Academic Affairs), said, “For modern humans, ‘climate and environmental resources,’ ‘life science and technology,’ and ‘peace solidarity and cooperation’ are universal values and immediate tasks,” adding, “The humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and engineering “We will lay the foundation to produce experts who can realize these values through convergence and comprehensive consilience,” he said. <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스전남동부 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>