순천시, 역대 최대 규모 국장급 5명·과장급 20명 승진인사 단행...성과·능력 중심 초점

민선8기 후반기 조직개편 인사, 특별승진 제도 도입으로 직원 사기 진작 및 성과 중심 공직문화 조성

김두환기자 | 기사입력 2024/07/03 [17:07]

순천시, 역대 최대 규모 국장급 5명·과장급 20명 승진인사 단행...성과·능력 중심 초점

민선8기 후반기 조직개편 인사, 특별승진 제도 도입으로 직원 사기 진작 및 성과 중심 공직문화 조성

김두환기자 | 입력 : 2024/07/03 [17:07]


▲ 순천시청 전경  

전남 순천시가 민선8기 후반기 조직개편과 함께 2024년 하반기 정기인사를 단행했다.


3일 순천시에 따르면 이번 인사에서 4급 5명, 5급 승진의결 20명, 6급 9명, 7급 24명, 8급 48명 등 총 106명이 승진했고 351명을 전보했다.


무엇보다 승진인사는 역대 최대 규모로 국장급 5명, 과장급 20명을 선발했고 지난 5월 조례 개정을 통한 8급 정원 확대로 하위직 직원 승진 적체를 해소하면서 최근 민원강도 증가와 낮은 급여 등으로 떨어진 MZ공무원들의 사기를 증진시켰다.


특히 이번 인사에서 민선8기 후반기 역점현안 사업을 적극 추진할 수 있는 동력을 확보하기 위해 연공서열에 관계없이 능력과 성과에 따라 발탁하고 특별승진 제도를 처음 도입했다.


이에 따라 특별승진은 지난 6월부터 국 단위 심사위원회를 거쳐 대상자를 추천받아 인사위원회 최종 심의를 거쳐 최동규 일류도시2팀장(행정6급·일류도시기획단)을 선발했다.


또 지난해 2023순천만국제정원박람회 전략적 홍보, 도시브랜드 슬로건 ‘순천하세요’ 개발, 생태+문화콘텐츠 융합을 통한 K-디즈니 순천 조성에 기여한 성과 등을 인정해 특별승진자로 발탁하고 글로벌 문화산업을 선도할 핵심부서인 콘텐츠정책과장에 임명했다고 설명했다.


전보인사는 콘텐츠정책과, 도시전략과 등 조직개편 신설 부서와 홍보, 문화예술, 관광 등 핵심분야 부서 위주로 인력을 보강하였고 순천대 의대 유치, 차세대 공공자원화시설 건립 등 현안업무의 원활한 추진을 위해 실력있는 직원을 적재적소 배치했다.


순천시 관계자는 "이번 인사는 민선8기 후반기 핵심사업의 속도감 있는 추진에 중점을 뒀다"며 "순천을 세계 최고 도시들과 경쟁하는 글로벌 문화산업 메카로 만들고 원도심 재생, 남해안 벨트 허브도시 완성으로 지방 소멸 해법을 제시하는 도시가 될 수 있도록 하겠다"고 밝혔다.


[아래는 구글로 번역한 영문기사 전문입니다영문번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다. Below is the full English article translated by Google. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.]

Suncheon City's largest-ever promotion of 5 directors and 20 managers...Focus on performance and ability...Introducing a special personnel promotion system through reorganization in the second half of the 8th popular election to boost employee morale and create a performance-oriented public service culture...Reporter Kim Doo-hwan  

Suncheon City, Jeollanam-do, carried out regular personnel reorganization in the second half of 2024 along with organizational reorganization in the second half of the 8th popularly elected term.


According to Suncheon City on the 3rd, in this personnel appointment, a total of 106 people were promoted, including 5 people in grade 4, 20 people in grade 5, 9 people in grade 6, 24 people in grade 7, and 48 people in grade 8, and 351 people were transferred.


The promotions were the largest ever, with 5 people at the director level and 20 at the manager level selected, and the backlog in promotions for lower level employees was resolved by expanding the number of level 8 personnel through the revision of the ordinance in May, and the number of MZ civil servants who fell due to the recent increase in the intensity of civil complaints and low salaries was reduced. It boosted their morale.


In particular, in this appointment, it was announced that in order to secure the driving force to actively pursue key projects in the second half of the 8th term of the popular election, candidates were selected based on ability and performance regardless of seniority, and a special promotion system was introduced for the first time.


For the special promotion, it was reported that since last June, candidates have been recommended through the bureau-level review committee, and through final deliberation by the personnel committee, Choi Dong-gyu, head of the First-class City 2 team (Administrative Level 6, First-class City Planning Team), has been selected. Last year, the city selected him as a special promotion in recognition of his achievements in strategic promotion of the 2023 Suncheon Bay International Garden Expo, development of the city brand slogan 'Please Suncheon', and contribution to the creation of K-Disney Suncheon through the convergence of ecological and cultural contents, leading the global cultural industry. He explained that he had been appointed to the position of head of the content policy department, which is the core department to be run.


Jeonbo Personnel has strengthened manpower mainly in newly reorganized departments such as the Content Policy Department and Urban Strategy Department and in core fields such as public relations, culture and arts, and tourism, and has provided the necessary skills to smoothly promote pending tasks such as attracting Suncheon National University's medical school and building next-generation public resource facilities. We have assigned the right staff to the right positions.


An official from Suncheon City said, “This appointment focused on the speedy implementation of key projects in the second half of the 8th term of the popular election,” and “We will make Suncheon a global cultural industry mecca that competes with the world’s best cities, regenerate the original downtown, and complete the hub city of the southern coastal belt.” “We will strive to become a city that presents solutions to local extinction,” he said.

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