여수 해양경관 미관 저해 '조선소 집적화' 사업..'광양항 3투기장' 이전 재확인20일 조선업체 대표와 간담회…광양항 3투기장 이전 의사 확인
여수시에 따르면 광양항 율촌 융복합 물류단지 1단계 분양에 따라 개략적으로 산정된 분양가에 따른 이전 의사를 확인하고 조선소 집적화 사업추진에 따른 비용·면적 등조선업계 의견을 폭넓게 수렴하고자 간담회 자리를 마련했다.
여수권 내 조선소는 대부분 시가지 내 해안선을 따라 분포돼 있어 도시미관과 해양경관을 저해한다는 의견이 지속 제기됐고 무엇보다 주택가와 인접해 있어 소음·분진 등 민원이 끊임없이 발생해 왔다.
앞서 여수시는 지난 2006년부터 '조선소 집적화 사업'을 추진해 해양수산부 등 관계 기관과 수차례 협의를 거쳐 2021년 1월 '광양항 제3투기장 항만재개발사업 구역'에 반영시키는 성과를 냈다.
여수시 관계자는 "광양항 3투기장으로 이전해 집적화되면 조선소도 경쟁력을 확보해 입지를 확고히 할 것으로 기대된다"며 "향후 부지분양과 관련해 여수광양항망공사와 협의해 사업이 원활히 추진될 수 있도록 행정력을 집중하겠다"고 말했다.
[아래는 구글로 번역한 영문기사 전문입니다. 영문번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다. Below is the full English article translated by Google. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.] Yeosu Marine Landscape's Beautiful 'Shipyard Clustering' Project... 'Gwangyang Port 3 Dumping Ground Relocation Reconfirmed'...Meeting with shipbuilding industry representatives on the 20th… Confirmation of intent to relocate Gwangyang Port’s 3rd arena...Reporter Lee Hak-cheo
Yeosu City, Jeollanam-do announced on the 21st that it had reconfirmed the ‘whether or not to relocate Gwangyang Port 3rd Dumping Ground’ through a meeting with representatives of 16 shipyard companies in the city.
According to Yeosu City, the meeting was held to confirm the intention to relocate based on the roughly calculated sale price according to the first phase of the Gwangyang Port Yulchon Convergence Logistics Complex sale the day before and to broadly collect opinions from the shipbuilding industry regarding costs and areas related to the shipyard clustering project.
Most shipyards in the Yeosu area are scattered along the coastline within the city, and there have been continuous opinions that they hinder the cityscape and marine scenery. Above all, they are adjacent to residential areas, so there have been constant complaints about noise and dust.
Yeosu City has been promoting the ‘Shipyard Clustering Project’ since 2006, and after several rounds of consultations with related organizations including the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, it was reflected in the ‘Gwangyang Port 3 Dumping Site Port Redevelopment Project Area’ in January 2021.
A Yeosu City official said, “If the shipyards are relocated to the 3rd dumping site of Gwangyang Port and clustered, it is expected that the shipyards will secure competitiveness and solidify their position,” and added, “We will focus our administrative power to ensure that the project progresses smoothly by consulting with the Yeosu-Gwangyang Port Authority regarding future land allocation.” <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스전남동부 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>