여수시, 2025년 노인일자리 사업 참여자 9,300명 모집12월 2일~6일까지 읍면동 주민센터 또는 민간수행기관(9개소) 방문 신청
28일 여수시에 따르면 세부적으로는 ▲노인공익활동사업 7,380명 ▲노인역량활용사업 705명 ▲공동체사업단280명 ▲취업 지원(취업알선형) 100명 ▲시비 자체사업(노인공익활동사업) 835명이다.
신청 대상은 노인공익활동사업의 경우 65세 이상 기초연금·직역연금 수급자이며, 나머지 사업에 대해서는 65세 이상(일부 사업 60세 이상) 요건을 충족하면 된다.
다만 국민기초생활보장법에 의한 생계급여 수급자, 국민건강보험 직장가입자, 장기요양보험등급 판정자(1~5등급)는 참여 대상에서 제외되며 인지지원등급자의 경우 전문의 진단서 첨부시 신청 가능하다.
사업유형별 근무 시간은 ▲노인공익활동사업은 월 30시간 ▲노인역량활용사업은 월 60시간 ▲공동체사업단 및 취업 지원(취업알선형)은 근무 여건에 따라 달라지며 1일최대 8시간, 시간당 임금은 9,860원이다.
참여 희망자는 신분증을 지참하여 주소지 관할 읍면동 주민센터 또는 민간수행기관(9개소)을 방문해 신청하면 된다.
여수시 관계자는 "소득인정액, 보행 능력 및 의사소통 수준, 노인일자리 참여 경력 등 선정 기준에따라 고득점자순으로 참여자를 선발하고 최종 결과를 개별 통보할 예정"이라고 밝혔다.
[아래는 구글로 번역한 영문기사 전문입니다. 영문번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다. Below is the full English article translated by Google. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.] Yeosu City, recruiting 9,300 participants for the 2025 senior job creation project...Applications to be made by visiting the town/village/district community center or private organizations (9 locations) from December 2nd to 6th...Reporter Lee Hak-cheo
Yeosu City, Jeollanam-do announced that it will be publicly recruiting 9,300 participants for the 2025 Senior Citizen Job Social Activity Support Project from the 2nd to the 6th of next month.
According to Yeosu City on the 28th, the details are ▲ 7,380 people for the Senior Citizen Public Service Project ▲ 705 people for the Senior Citizen Capacity Utilization Project ▲ 280 people for the Community Business Unit ▲ 100 people for Employment Support (Job Placement Type) ▲ 835 people for the City’s own project (Senior Citizen Public Service Project).
Applicants for the Senior Citizen Public Service Project are those who are 65 years of age or older and receive basic pension or occupational pension, and for the remaining projects, those who meet the requirement of 65 years of age or older (60 years of age or older for some projects) are eligible.
However, recipients of livelihood benefits under the National Basic Livelihood Security Act, employees of the National Health Insurance, and those with long-term care insurance grades (grades 1 to 5) are excluded from participation, and those with cognitive support grades can apply by attaching a medical certificate from a specialist.
The working hours by type of business are ▲ 30 hours per month for senior citizen public service activities ▲ 60 hours per month for senior citizen capacity utilization projects ▲ community business groups and employment support (job placement type) vary depending on working conditions, with a maximum of 8 hours per day and an hourly wage of 9,860 won.
Those who wish to participate can apply by visiting the local town/village/dong community center or private implementing agency (9 locations) with their ID.
A Yeosu City official stated that participants will be selected in order of high scores based on selection criteria such as income recognition amount, walking ability and communication level, and experience participating in senior citizen jobs, and the final results will be individually notified. <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스전남동부 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>